Living Lent
Lent is that time of year when we prepare ourselves for the celebration of the greatest of the greatest events in human history: the death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. During Lent please do join us for any of our services and devotions.
Fr Andrew is available throughout Lent to hear confessions or offer spiritual guidance.
ASH WEDNESDAY - 14th February 2024
Sorry to spoil your romantic plans!!
Masses with the imposition of Ashes
9.30am - S. Saviour's
12noon - Holy Trinity
7pm - S. Werburgh's
During this service we receive the sign of the cross on our foreheads made with ash from last year's Palm Crosses, it reminds us of our own mortality and for our need to prepare ourselves for life with Jesus
Wednesdays in Lent
6.20pm Stations of the Cross at S. Werburgh's
Thursdays in Lent
7.30pm Lent Course at S. Saviour's
Fridays in Lent
6.30pm Stations of the Cross and Benediction in Holy Trinity
An opportunity to walk with Jesus on his final journey and give thanks for his sacrifice
HOLY WEEK - 2024
Palm Sunday - 24th March
9.30am Blessing of Palms and Mass - S. Werburgh's
10.30am Blessing of Palms and Mass - Holy Trinity
11.30amProcession of Palms followed by Mass at S. Saviour's
6pm Quiet Hour - S. Saviour's
Monday 25th March
11am - Chrism Mass and Festival at Lichfield Cathedral
Tuesday 26th March
6-6.30pm - Confessions at Holy Trinity
7pm - Mass at Holy Trinity
Wednesday 27th March
6-6.30pm - Confessions at S. Werburgh's
7pm - Mass at S. Werburgh's
Maundy Thursday - 28th March
7.30pm Mass of the Lord's Supper and Watch - S. Saviour's
Good Friday - 29th March
11am Litterpick, S. Saviour's open for tea, coffee, and hotcross buns
1.30pm Solemn Liturgy of the Day - Holy Trinity
(Confessions 12.30-1.00pm)
6pm Maria Desolata - the Stations of the Cross backwards, walking home with Mary after Jesus'
death - Holy Trinity
Holy Saturday - 30th March
4pm Messy Easter (especially for children) - S. Saviour's
9pm The Easter Vigil followed by champagne
and canapes - S. Werburgh's
(Confessions 7.30-8pm)
Easter Sunday - 31st March
8am Mass of the Dawn followed by breakfast
9.30am Sung Mass of Easter Day - S. Werburgh's
10.30am Sung Mass of Easter Day - Holy Trinity
11.30am Sung Mass of Easter Day followed by a bring and share lunch - S. Saviour's