Social Action
Historically Anglo-Catholic parishes have been at the forefront of social action initiatives, working in slums to improve conditions, fighting for education for the poorest of society and so on. We hope to be able to continue this long history of social care.
At the back of church is a box which is used to collect donations to the local food bank, if you have anything you would like to contribute that would be wonderful. We also collect clothing for the homeless, particularly in the winter which can then be distributed to callers at church or to other charities.
The food bank is especially looking for donations of: UHT/powdered milk, sugar (500g), fruit juice (cartons), soup, pasta sauces, baked beans (tinned), sponge pudding (tinned), tomatoes (tinned), cereals, rice pudding (tinned) tea bags, instant coffee, instant mashed potato, rice, pasta, tinned meat, tinned fish, tinned fruit, jam, biscuits/snack items, "free-from" items. Unfortunately the food bank cannot take donations of fresh food stuffs that might go off or alcohol.