Seven whole days, not one in seven, I will praise thee - so wrote the poet priest George Herbert. Our worship isn't just for Sundays nor just personal prayer at home, church is open almost every day for prayer and worship.
The usual pattern of weekday worship across the Team is:
A day of rest for the clergy.
9am - Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity
9.30am - Mass at Holy Trinity
6pm - Evening Prayer at S. Saviour's
9am - Morning Prayer at S. Saviour's
6pm - Evening Prayer at S. Werburgh's
6.20pm - Rosary Group at S. Werburgh's
7pm - Mass at S. Werburgh's
9am - Morning Prayer at S. Saviour's
9.30am - Mass at S. Saviour's
6pm - Evening Prayer at S. Saviour's
9am - Morning Prayer at S. Saviour's
11.20am - Rosary Group at Holy Trinity
12noon - Mass at Holy Trinity
6pm - Evening Prayer at S. Saviour's
9.30am - Morning Prayer at S. Werburgh's
10am - Mass at S. Werburgh's
Fee to join in the worship or if you would like to sit quietly and find a space of peace and calm, or simply light a candle you are welcome to do so.
On the last Friday in the month the mass is usually what is called a requiem, the special intention for this mass is the repose or resting of the souls of those who have died in that month or who have died that month in year's past.
On the first Thursday of the month there is usually an informal prayer group that meets at 7.30pm in church. It is open to all to bring their prayers, needs and concerns to the Lord in the company of others. We pray for our parish, the needs of the world, and those who are on our hearts. We also offer the prayers that have been left on the Prayer Tree at the back of church. If you would like us to pray for you but can't be with us please do send in a prayer request using the buttons below.