Following Jesus
We can follow Jesus in many different ways. Of course coming together every Sunday for mass is the height of celebration and fellowship. We worship together to praise and thank God for the wonderful things he does for us, especially for Jesus' death on the cross to save us and his resurrection from death which gives us the confident hope of eternal life.
We hear the Bible read to us, we sing hymns, we have a talk on the meaning of the Bible and we share in Holy Communion when we eat the blessed bread and wine which becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus. Doing this we unite our selves and our lives with Jesus and with every Christian who has ever lived, and with every Christian yet to come.

Fellowship is really important to a healthy Christian life and on Sundays we enjoy sharing stories of our week and news with friends, however, there's more to life than Sunday and it is much harder to be a follower of Jesus if we are the only one we know at school or work. Sometimes we need extra help. One of the best ways to grow as disciple, a student or follower of Jesus, is to be part of a small group. Many churches follow the example of Jesus having a small group of people around him (the 12 Apostles) to teach them more about the Faith and to come to a deeper understanding.