Pastoral Care
Church is a family. Like any family we love our members, new and long standing, young and old. We like to do things together, to spend time together, to stick by one another when the going gets tough. Of course, like with any family that isn't always easy but like any family the love never stops and we work through our differences. It is easy to keep up with each other when we are in church regularly but we want to make sure those members who can't be with us a lot or at all are still included and feel part of the family
Home and sick communions
The central act of worship for us as catholic Anglicans is the mass, the eucharist, holy Communion when we eat and drink the bread and wine become Body and Blood of Christ. For those who are sick sand unable to come to church it is of great comfort to be able to receive this sacrament at home, or in hospital, or a nursing home, or hospice. If you would like a member of the Pastoral Care Team to bring you communion please get in touch. Most of our home communicants receive a monthly visit but we can make arrangements to suit you and your needs.
Anointing the Sick
Anointing the sick with holy oil is one of the very ancient traditions of the church. In fact it dates from the time when Jesus was still with the disciples. Mark's gospel tells us that when Jesus sent out the disciples they "anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them" (6.13) we carry on this tradition for those who are unwell, about to have operations, or whose health is otherwise not good. We lay hands on a person's head and pray for them in their need and then anoint their forehead and hands with oil. For those who are dying we also add special prayers and give communion as Viaticum which means food for the journey. If you would like this ministry for yourself or a loved one please get in touch.